Sunday 22 December 2013

Smokin' Fajitas ;D

Yeah that's right... smokin'! My cousin made them and invited us over and I've got to say, I don't generally like chilis (Also variably spelt as chillies in the U.K.) and vegetables but these were simply delicious. I'd love to post a recipe but I seriously do not know how they do it. I'm putting it down to Christmas Magic etc. Santa's lil helpers... something like that. I would also take a picture for you but my brother has his Ipod, my sister has her Ipad and I have a brick for a phone so no beans Mr! Sorry (-does my best sad puppydog face-). Anyhow it would also mean making getting the mixture pouring it into the pitta bread and then heating it up just to give it that really smoked effect before taking a picture of it and I feel really lethargic right now (that means lazy by the way).

I just watched 'The Dark Knight Rises' which was a very awesome film; I absolutely loved it even though it was my second time watching it. I still think that Heath Ledger's Joker was the best-acted villain of any in the Batman movie franchise including Bane (I understand others might disagree but it's not really a big thing in my life at the moment). My mother was quite impressed too so it must have been real good cause she's not really into modern movies much. I feel the need to make a disclaimer here, this opinion is only held by my mother and me (And my brother but he's less important); we, in no way, speak for the users of blogger nor for the employees of Google or any other blogger related corporation. Disclaimer finished. I just realised it should have been 'my mother and I' but that makes me sound like a posh tosh so I'm sticking with what I said originally. ;P

I also went for a kick-around with my brother and sister in the park which was quite fun but not very challenging seeing as they're both much younger than me. After 10 minutes of playing I decided that I was much better suited to being goal-keeper and letting them struggle against each other. A thrilling and very fascinating game ensued in which my brother repeatedly fouled my sister and proceeded to miss the goal once, hit the post once and have one disallowed goal because it came as a result of a foul. I think I would be a pretty good football coach don't you? (;

I also caught another great piece of t.v. A little show called Phineas and Ferb. Heard of it? If you haven't than you should check it out it's frickin' awesome. If you're in touch with your inner child you'll love it. If you're not than I despair for you; I'm sorry but I really think you need to look to the more important things in life. There was this awesome rap by the robot in it called Norm about wanting to be a real boy. I managed to find it on youtube in Spanish and I cannot understand a word he is saying but it sounds Gooooood! Check it out below ;P

Anyhow, that's been me and now it's over to you folks. What are y'all opinions on movies my good folks? Name some good ones. (Tip: Imagine me saying that in a Southern American accent)

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Jack Of All Trades; Master Of Fun

I have absolutely no idea where to start with this post but I feel I have to deliver so I'll start with the highlights of my week and then maybe some of you guys can tell me the highlights of yours; sound like a fair deal? I just recently found out that Danny Trejo, the star of Machete and Machete Kills no less,  retweeted and replied to KES Film Society. Kes Film Society being my school film society I felt this suitably awesome enough to be posted in my blog so that's the main news. Also if anyone wants my twitter then just hit the follow button no questions asked compadres. (;

In other news I have broken up from school which means I now have the freedom to sleep in, eat out and make a habit of being an all round lazy bugger which I think is a Godsend ( Escpecially since exams start soon after I go back! -bites my nails- D: )  That D: is my panic face by the way; no it is not copyrighted, yes you may use it but only when you're actually sincerely panicking. Do not take it lightly! Too many people take life seriously I mean you might as well laugh a little it's not like anyone's getting out of it alive anyway.

I also feel the need to state that I have recently made a breakthrough in the life-skills section of my c.v.; I now know what a taco tastes like... well not really, it was a chicken wrap but same thing right? It was pretty delicious to be fair. I plan on robbing a bank, buying America and turning the whole place into Taco Land. If you have any ideas for what I can do with the angry homeless Americans then my ears are all open; I'd rather not have another French Revolution on my hands I don't feel like dying anytime soon.

My dad's going to Pakistan tomorrow which is good for him and good for me because you get things super-cheap over there; maybe I can get him to fork out a couple of dineros on me. I know right... so selfish but oh well sometimes you have to be. I'm a big fan of money; I think it's one of mankind's cleverest inventions ut I also realise that it doesn't grow on trees... yes... even though paper is made out of trees and notes are made of paper; okay, I just out-logiced myself if that's even a word. o_O I reckon it should be but spelt with a k as well so out-logicked I just think it looks a lot cooler; more retro maybe?

I would also like to pay my respects to my uncle who passed away recently; you're in our prayers. On that note I'd ask you all, if there's any compassionate human beings out there please pray for him. He was a simple man who lived a simple life and did good by people; I haven't met anyone to this day who had a problem with him. I thought I'd save that for last as it's the most important. The only message I have today is enjoy your life, do good by other people and try to open your eyes and actually LIVE as opposed to existing; there's a difference. Trust me.

Have a good day/night/whatever time it is for you (;

Sunday 15 December 2013

Get the Popcorn Out!!!

Get the Popcorn Out!!!

So I went to the cinema for the first time in AAAGES today; yeah that's AAAGES with a capital everything... and a few A's that popped up out of nowhere. Don't ask me what they're doing there. Anyhow, it was pretty cool considering the adverts took half an hour and before that there was just loads of random tunes flickering in and out of the background. I did that thing too, you know that thing? The one where you sit in the cinema seat all sprawled out pretending to be a king? No...? Ahh, guess it's just me then.

I have one massive problem with cinemas; they're way too expensive. It's like extortion. You walk in and you take one look around and then you join the queue and you can see the guy, or girl, at the the till eyeing you up. It's like they take one look at you and see right into your pockets! I took food from home; I had my little brother and sister with me so I wasn't risking buying it from there. I prefer not to bled dry thankyou very much! For some reason AMC has started naming the 3D screens, 'iSense.' It's a pretty cool name but seriously? It was a bit confusing for the first two and a bit minutes.

Them Eyes Tho'

That being said, I absolutely loved the movie. Peter Jackson did it again with 'The Hobbit 2.' Yeah I prefer calling it The Hobbit Two, it's much shorter and easier to deal with. The 3D effect was amazing; I mean 'jumping out of the screen and into your eyes' kind of amazing not just normal amazing. Of course the plot was completely out of line with the book; Legolas made an appearance, Evangeline Lilly jumped in for some adventure as Tauriel, a graceful Elven warrior who was, strangely, nowhere to be seen in the book. The best part of the movie had to be Smaug and the Dwarven kingdom of Erebor; hands down. The Arkenstone wasn't half bad as a 3D jewel either.

The Spiders... Well, I had to take my little sister and sh's scared of spiders. Absolutely terrified of them. I mean, if there was such a word as scarified than spiders scarefy my sister. That's pronounce 'scare-i-fied' for anyone who's interested which I assume is everybody; hey, a man can wish right? ;P
Anyhow, she somehow managed to sit through the whole scene of spider-stabbing, arachnid-splitting, web-chopping scene without so much as hint of fear. I have no idea how she's so scared of the tiny ones we have at home but there you go; that's people for you; they're absolute nutters!

Oh yeah the big bear was freaking awesome too. To be honest, if movies were judged by picture quality and sheer awesomeness for graphic design I reckon 'The Hobbit Two' would win it hands down... TWICE!! Yes that was slightly exaggerated but all in all it's an extremely well-made movie, if not a little long. You should definitely check it out sometime!

Here's the trailer if you don't believe me. Enjoy! (;

I'd love some more recommendations for movies to watch. If you have any good ones then please share in the comments section! (;

Saturday 14 December 2013

Hitch-hiking Through Life

Checkmate: I'm rolling with the big boys now (;

Have you ever had one of those moments where you just get hit by a lightning bolt of inspiration? If so then you've probably also had one of those moments where you realised it was neither a lightning bolt nor inspiration but just your body warning you that you might have some brain-damage. I had a number of those in the process of starting this blog; I had no idea how to start it. I worried about being too hyper or too boring. I guess the thing that worried me most was whether all you weblets were ready for my awesomeness; I kid, I kid. ;P

It's been my philosophy for a while now however, to stop wasting my present worrying about the future and regretting the past. I like how Master Oogway from "KungFu Panda" put it, 'There is a saying: yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.' I think that one of our best qualities as a race is that our wisest quotes often come from naive animated tales for children; think Lion King, think Pinocchio, think Peterpan.

I suppose I should probably tell you a bit about myself seeing as this is my first blog-post. First things first, I am an absolute certified nutter; insanity is not just a hobby for me it's a full time job. Second things second, I like who I am; most other people I know love or hate me depending on their mood and what I'm doing, you probably will too. I love a good bit of banter and I'm very open-minded and right now this paragraph is getting incredibly boring; I'd rather show you who I am, trust me, it's a lot more interesting.

It's actually 11:52 at the moment, waaaaaaaaaaaaaay past my bedtime but then again I'm not really big on sleeping patterns; mine died a long time ago. I'm going to watch the hobbit tomorrow so I really should get some sleep also I can feel a yawn coming on... like all the air in my chest is rising slowly. You ever had that feeling? Anyhow I'd love to hear from anybody out there reading this blog I guess I should give you a topic to right about. Hmm... Okay... Ready... Set... Introduce yourself. GO.