Sunday 15 December 2013

Get the Popcorn Out!!!

Get the Popcorn Out!!!

So I went to the cinema for the first time in AAAGES today; yeah that's AAAGES with a capital everything... and a few A's that popped up out of nowhere. Don't ask me what they're doing there. Anyhow, it was pretty cool considering the adverts took half an hour and before that there was just loads of random tunes flickering in and out of the background. I did that thing too, you know that thing? The one where you sit in the cinema seat all sprawled out pretending to be a king? No...? Ahh, guess it's just me then.

I have one massive problem with cinemas; they're way too expensive. It's like extortion. You walk in and you take one look around and then you join the queue and you can see the guy, or girl, at the the till eyeing you up. It's like they take one look at you and see right into your pockets! I took food from home; I had my little brother and sister with me so I wasn't risking buying it from there. I prefer not to bled dry thankyou very much! For some reason AMC has started naming the 3D screens, 'iSense.' It's a pretty cool name but seriously? It was a bit confusing for the first two and a bit minutes.

Them Eyes Tho'

That being said, I absolutely loved the movie. Peter Jackson did it again with 'The Hobbit 2.' Yeah I prefer calling it The Hobbit Two, it's much shorter and easier to deal with. The 3D effect was amazing; I mean 'jumping out of the screen and into your eyes' kind of amazing not just normal amazing. Of course the plot was completely out of line with the book; Legolas made an appearance, Evangeline Lilly jumped in for some adventure as Tauriel, a graceful Elven warrior who was, strangely, nowhere to be seen in the book. The best part of the movie had to be Smaug and the Dwarven kingdom of Erebor; hands down. The Arkenstone wasn't half bad as a 3D jewel either.

The Spiders... Well, I had to take my little sister and sh's scared of spiders. Absolutely terrified of them. I mean, if there was such a word as scarified than spiders scarefy my sister. That's pronounce 'scare-i-fied' for anyone who's interested which I assume is everybody; hey, a man can wish right? ;P
Anyhow, she somehow managed to sit through the whole scene of spider-stabbing, arachnid-splitting, web-chopping scene without so much as hint of fear. I have no idea how she's so scared of the tiny ones we have at home but there you go; that's people for you; they're absolute nutters!

Oh yeah the big bear was freaking awesome too. To be honest, if movies were judged by picture quality and sheer awesomeness for graphic design I reckon 'The Hobbit Two' would win it hands down... TWICE!! Yes that was slightly exaggerated but all in all it's an extremely well-made movie, if not a little long. You should definitely check it out sometime!

Here's the trailer if you don't believe me. Enjoy! (;

I'd love some more recommendations for movies to watch. If you have any good ones then please share in the comments section! (;

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