Saturday 14 December 2013

Hitch-hiking Through Life

Checkmate: I'm rolling with the big boys now (;

Have you ever had one of those moments where you just get hit by a lightning bolt of inspiration? If so then you've probably also had one of those moments where you realised it was neither a lightning bolt nor inspiration but just your body warning you that you might have some brain-damage. I had a number of those in the process of starting this blog; I had no idea how to start it. I worried about being too hyper or too boring. I guess the thing that worried me most was whether all you weblets were ready for my awesomeness; I kid, I kid. ;P

It's been my philosophy for a while now however, to stop wasting my present worrying about the future and regretting the past. I like how Master Oogway from "KungFu Panda" put it, 'There is a saying: yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.' I think that one of our best qualities as a race is that our wisest quotes often come from naive animated tales for children; think Lion King, think Pinocchio, think Peterpan.

I suppose I should probably tell you a bit about myself seeing as this is my first blog-post. First things first, I am an absolute certified nutter; insanity is not just a hobby for me it's a full time job. Second things second, I like who I am; most other people I know love or hate me depending on their mood and what I'm doing, you probably will too. I love a good bit of banter and I'm very open-minded and right now this paragraph is getting incredibly boring; I'd rather show you who I am, trust me, it's a lot more interesting.

It's actually 11:52 at the moment, waaaaaaaaaaaaaay past my bedtime but then again I'm not really big on sleeping patterns; mine died a long time ago. I'm going to watch the hobbit tomorrow so I really should get some sleep also I can feel a yawn coming on... like all the air in my chest is rising slowly. You ever had that feeling? Anyhow I'd love to hear from anybody out there reading this blog I guess I should give you a topic to right about. Hmm... Okay... Ready... Set... Introduce yourself. GO.

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