Sunday 22 December 2013

Smokin' Fajitas ;D

Yeah that's right... smokin'! My cousin made them and invited us over and I've got to say, I don't generally like chilis (Also variably spelt as chillies in the U.K.) and vegetables but these were simply delicious. I'd love to post a recipe but I seriously do not know how they do it. I'm putting it down to Christmas Magic etc. Santa's lil helpers... something like that. I would also take a picture for you but my brother has his Ipod, my sister has her Ipad and I have a brick for a phone so no beans Mr! Sorry (-does my best sad puppydog face-). Anyhow it would also mean making getting the mixture pouring it into the pitta bread and then heating it up just to give it that really smoked effect before taking a picture of it and I feel really lethargic right now (that means lazy by the way).

I just watched 'The Dark Knight Rises' which was a very awesome film; I absolutely loved it even though it was my second time watching it. I still think that Heath Ledger's Joker was the best-acted villain of any in the Batman movie franchise including Bane (I understand others might disagree but it's not really a big thing in my life at the moment). My mother was quite impressed too so it must have been real good cause she's not really into modern movies much. I feel the need to make a disclaimer here, this opinion is only held by my mother and me (And my brother but he's less important); we, in no way, speak for the users of blogger nor for the employees of Google or any other blogger related corporation. Disclaimer finished. I just realised it should have been 'my mother and I' but that makes me sound like a posh tosh so I'm sticking with what I said originally. ;P

I also went for a kick-around with my brother and sister in the park which was quite fun but not very challenging seeing as they're both much younger than me. After 10 minutes of playing I decided that I was much better suited to being goal-keeper and letting them struggle against each other. A thrilling and very fascinating game ensued in which my brother repeatedly fouled my sister and proceeded to miss the goal once, hit the post once and have one disallowed goal because it came as a result of a foul. I think I would be a pretty good football coach don't you? (;

I also caught another great piece of t.v. A little show called Phineas and Ferb. Heard of it? If you haven't than you should check it out it's frickin' awesome. If you're in touch with your inner child you'll love it. If you're not than I despair for you; I'm sorry but I really think you need to look to the more important things in life. There was this awesome rap by the robot in it called Norm about wanting to be a real boy. I managed to find it on youtube in Spanish and I cannot understand a word he is saying but it sounds Gooooood! Check it out below ;P

Anyhow, that's been me and now it's over to you folks. What are y'all opinions on movies my good folks? Name some good ones. (Tip: Imagine me saying that in a Southern American accent)

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