Wednesday 18 December 2013

Jack Of All Trades; Master Of Fun

I have absolutely no idea where to start with this post but I feel I have to deliver so I'll start with the highlights of my week and then maybe some of you guys can tell me the highlights of yours; sound like a fair deal? I just recently found out that Danny Trejo, the star of Machete and Machete Kills no less,  retweeted and replied to KES Film Society. Kes Film Society being my school film society I felt this suitably awesome enough to be posted in my blog so that's the main news. Also if anyone wants my twitter then just hit the follow button no questions asked compadres. (;

In other news I have broken up from school which means I now have the freedom to sleep in, eat out and make a habit of being an all round lazy bugger which I think is a Godsend ( Escpecially since exams start soon after I go back! -bites my nails- D: )  That D: is my panic face by the way; no it is not copyrighted, yes you may use it but only when you're actually sincerely panicking. Do not take it lightly! Too many people take life seriously I mean you might as well laugh a little it's not like anyone's getting out of it alive anyway.

I also feel the need to state that I have recently made a breakthrough in the life-skills section of my c.v.; I now know what a taco tastes like... well not really, it was a chicken wrap but same thing right? It was pretty delicious to be fair. I plan on robbing a bank, buying America and turning the whole place into Taco Land. If you have any ideas for what I can do with the angry homeless Americans then my ears are all open; I'd rather not have another French Revolution on my hands I don't feel like dying anytime soon.

My dad's going to Pakistan tomorrow which is good for him and good for me because you get things super-cheap over there; maybe I can get him to fork out a couple of dineros on me. I know right... so selfish but oh well sometimes you have to be. I'm a big fan of money; I think it's one of mankind's cleverest inventions ut I also realise that it doesn't grow on trees... yes... even though paper is made out of trees and notes are made of paper; okay, I just out-logiced myself if that's even a word. o_O I reckon it should be but spelt with a k as well so out-logicked I just think it looks a lot cooler; more retro maybe?

I would also like to pay my respects to my uncle who passed away recently; you're in our prayers. On that note I'd ask you all, if there's any compassionate human beings out there please pray for him. He was a simple man who lived a simple life and did good by people; I haven't met anyone to this day who had a problem with him. I thought I'd save that for last as it's the most important. The only message I have today is enjoy your life, do good by other people and try to open your eyes and actually LIVE as opposed to existing; there's a difference. Trust me.

Have a good day/night/whatever time it is for you (;

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